Current work and important info...aka The Front Page!

site last updated: 3.01.25

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The first issue of my microfiction zine is available to download here!

Currently "working" on my webcomic, The journal of a girl destined to become a fox (once in a blue moon).

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Notice: All of my content on this website is anti-copyright; what this means is that you are free to use my content however you like, as long as you don't claim the work is your own creature. This includes: any ASCII art (tag: brx), digital art, poetry and other writing. My webcomic may be reused with credit to either lionheartv or brx12, but the pages are signed so usually this isn't needed. Untransformed commercial reuse is strictly not allowed, you can sell transformed work though. Credit is always appreciated but never required. Further inquires? I'm flattered. You can contact me at C:

There are no flashing graphics on this site other than the buttons on the footer. B^]


~ All hail the Internet Archive. ~